About the Enneagram

We are in Christ so that we may become like Christ (Ephesians 3:17). This is the journey of Christian spiritual formation. It requires a self-clarity anchored in the reality of being created in the image of God and re-created in the likeness of Christ. It involves ‘putting off’ the old way of being and ‘putting on’ the new-way-of-being by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:20-24). Without a greater awareness of the unconscious motivations that impact our decisions and relationships, we remain stuck.


To that end, CrossPoint is pleased to offer our newly designed enneagram platform.

The enneagram is a tool designed to expose what needs to be left behind so that we can live more fully into who we are in Christ. This diagnostic profile identifies nine personality styles. It clarifies the primary way we engage in relationships and offers ways we can cultivate healthy relational interaction with God and others. It also facilitates a deeper self-awareness by highlighting both virtues and vices. There are many diagnostic tools (e.g. MMPI, Meyers/Briggs, DISC). However, the Enneagram is the most effective tool in showing what we can celebrate as well as what we need to change.