A Deeper Journey

For the past two years a group of about 30 seekers met each quarter to learn, worship, share and pray for each other. Hosted at a wonderful retreat center (Wooded Glen in southern IN), participants came from Chicago, Lexington, Philadelphia, Chattanooga as well as the surrounding Louisville area to open their souls to Christ in a more honest, realistic and intimate manner. The results of the community experience have proven to be amazing. Most do not want the experience to end!Why is that the case? Simply put, it is because of the power of a community that is vulnerable before Christ in solitude and silence as they contemplate His love and invitation. When people are willing to live in a place of willingness rather than from a stance of willfulness, trusting themselves to the presence of Christ and His people who are similarly minded, the Spirit finds rich soil in which to sow seeds which yield love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.Mercy and Peace.  Jim


Happy Thanksgiving

