Black Friday ... Good Friday

Today is 'Black Friday' ... the day when retailers hope to start making money. Think of it, going almost 11 months 'in the red' in hope of the last 5 weeks of the year moving 'into the black'. A lot of work, a lot risk, a lot of waiting for the chance to make a living!What 'Black Friday' is to commerce, 'Good Friday' is to Christianity--a lot of waiting, a lot of wondering, a lot of not much of anything. And that for hundreds of years. Then came the day when everything changed. But not in the way anyone expected. God's love for us found expression in the giving of a Life.With an economy on the ropes, retailers need what this day represents to give them hope for the future. Christianity's 'Black Friday' gives us hope. Thanks be to God!


"What If God Were One of Us?'


Happy Thanksgiving