How I Relate Is How I Relate!

How I relate is how I relate!  Yes there are different levels of connection ... from civility toward strangers to intimacy with my wife. Mates, children, friends, acquaintances ... each has a different level of connection. But my capacity for communion 'is what it is' whether I am engaging people or God. Christ invites me into rich intimacy with Him. But do I have the capacity to enter and enjoy such a relationship? The answer hinges, in part, on my ability to trust (trust being 'ground zero' of intimacy).I get a sense of my ability to trust by looking at the 'attachment pattern' in which I habitually operate. Do I trust myself but not others (an 'avoidant' attachment pattern)? Do I trust others but not myself (an 'ambivalent' attachment pattern)? Do I have a hard time trusting myself or others (a 'scattered' attachment pattern)? Any of these general patterns limit my ability for intimacy. I have to be able to trust another to be vulnerable. I have to be able to trust myself to have something to give another.Thankfully, the Gospel is not only an invitation to intimacy with the Triune God but also a means by which God graciously nurtures a level of trust that makes the invitation a reality. Our sin nature, family of origin, and life's difficulties (e.g. being betrayed) can leave our 'trust' level low or one-sided (e.g. "I trust me but not you"). But over time, the Gospel of grace ministered through a loving community changes that. God's unconditional love toward us in Christ and the nurturing of a grace-based church will slowly shift an avoidant or ambivalent or scattered way of attaching to one that is stable, solid, and life-giving. How I relate is how I relate. I may feel I have a deep relationship with God. But if I cannot sustain a deep level of intimacy with another human being I need to ask some hard questions of myself ("If we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we have not seen?" - 1 John 4:20). I may find an attachment pattern deep within my soul that keeps me from truly experiencing Christ's presence."Father, Son, and Spirit, do a work of grace in my life so that I, from the core of my being, trust you and trust myself to you. Amen"


'Ashes to Ashes'


The Life You Got ...!