Living by Faith Is for the Birds!

Living by faith is for the birds! From my deck I am watching them fly back and forth from the mulberry tree (provided by God) to the bird feeder (provided by me) and eventually to who knows where. They eat and sing and fly—doing what God made them to do by being what God made them to be.Watching them teaches me about living by faith. I know they are simply following their instincts. But their instincts make them appear to be very trusting. They seem to assume there will be food and water and a place to live. It really does seem like a life of faith!Why is it that the birds have this life of faith down better than me? Why is it that birds only do and be what they were created to do and be, while I, though created in the image of God, am constantly trying to re-create myself? They chirp, sing, build nests, and fly so effortlessly. But I struggle to find faith to be my ‘true self’.I would like for my faith in Christ’s work in me to be instinctual. I long to trust Him completely, quickly, constantly. Jesus tells me that not one sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing about it. Surely He knows me. Surely I can trust Him. As best I can I am. I believe and have come to know that Christ is at work in me, slowly transforming me into the true self He created me to be. He’s teaching me how to ‘fly’ in faith.The birds teach me about trust, about faith, about ‘trying out my wings’ of my true self in Christ. They live by faith. So can I, “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).     By Joy Cofield


Square One Spirituality


Unconditional But NOT Uninterested