Welcome to Leader's Journey

Last week Rich and I had the privilege of launching another Leader's Journey with the staff of Heartland Worship Center in Paducah, KY. It was a great day of discussion and reflection. The church is blessed to have a staff with such unity and integrity. Their deep desire to enter an experience that shapes and forms the soul will serve them well. For the next 12 quarters (total of three years) we will spend a day together exploring our capacity for connection with God and others.Some of their comments during the day showed their passion for God, people, and ministry.

  • "I realize that the most important thing I can do for others is to bring my transformed and transforming presence."
  • "Thinking about God thinking about me brings me a deep sense of gratitude and humility."
  • "More quantity of ministry is no substitute for quality of ministry."
  • "Reflecting on the reality that God is FOR me in Christ brings great peace to my soul."

One of the things church staffs begin to notice when they have a day of prayerful meditation is that they are often more tired than they realize. Church ministry is challenging. Caring for the souls of people for 20 years can be exhausting. When that happens we are all tempted to go through the motions of ministry without our hearts being truly engaged.Thankfully, the staff of Heartland is taking good care of themselves, encouraging each other to spend whatever time is needed to keep their first love for Christ and his Bride. To continue to foster that spirit we ended the day with a focus on the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence. While it will be a challenge in the face of all they have to do we encouraged them to spend at least 15 minutes three times a week in quietness before the Triune God. We know the Spirit will do good work in our souls when we are intentional about opening our souls to God's presence and invitation to us. So God be with you Heartland staff!NOTE: Leader's Journey is an experience of discovery. We seek to learn more of where we are in the Christian journey, what may be inhibiting our relationships, and how we can live more openhearted with God and others. If you would like to learn more about it and possibly hosting one in your church please contact us.


The Beauty of Trust


Learning How to Relate Starts Very Early