Staying in Love

The book of Jude is only 25 verses long. But the last two verses record one the most powerful and beautiful doxologies in all the Bible. "Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, and dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever more. Amen." Breathtaking! Jude sweep us up into the magnificence and beauty of God's redeeming and restoring work.The doxology offers much food for thought. But as powerful as it is the Spirit has drawn me to something mentioned a couple verses earlier. For the last couple weeks I (Rich) have been attending in solitude and silence to the invitation in verse 21, "Keep yourselves in the love of God" (ESV). As I have meditated and listened to these words I feel they speak to the heart of Christian spirituality.We can structure our spirituality around many profound biblical truths. Jude was a man of few words (if we take into account the length of his letter). Apparently, the best way he could succinctly encourage the community of faith was to tell them to be attentive to living in the love of God. Finding our existence in God's love and helping others to do the same changes everything in life.What are you doing to live more consciously, more fully, truly and deeply in the lavish love of God? What difference has that made for you? Would you be willing to share that with others? Lord hear our prayer. Amen.


Four Ways of Relating


The Beauty of Trust