What Do You See? (Part 1)

How we look at things influences (if not determines) what we see. Two people can look at the same image or situation in life and see something quite different. Sometimes the different perspectives are very frustrating (ever try to convince a friend or mate or child that there is another way to see things?). But different perspectives can be a very rewarding experience. They can give us texture to life that we would not enjoy without them. There is no place where this is more true than the Christian faith.Christianity affirms we can have a changed status before God. Because of justification we have a right standing with God. Our legal status has changed because we are forgiven in Christ by faith. The Reformed tradition of the Church helps us see this perspective clearly.Our faith also moves us to cultivate increasing qualities of God. Because of the sanctification process we grow in fruits of the Spirit. Our character reflects the life of Christ as we keep in step with the Spirit. The Holiness tradition of the Church sees Christianity through this lens in a way that enriches our perspective.Another perspective on Christianity is a deepening relationship with God. Because of our participation in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ there is a sharing in the agape of the Trinitarian God. Our fellowship nurtures our souls so that we enjoy a rich communion with our Lord. The Contemplative tradition of the Church has often helped us see our life in Christ from this vantage point.All three are vital to a vibrant Christian faith. Each helps us honor and glorify God because of what he has done for us in Christ. Each gives our faith a rich texture. But sometimes we can emphasize one at the expense of the others. Our religious education or life experiences or our stage of soul development can contribute to that.Which perspective is your default mode?


How Do I See? (Part 2)


A Grounding Experience: Spiritual Life Coaching (Part 2)