Many years ago, I memorized Psalm 37: 23 as a song. The verse reads :  “The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. “This song has played over and over in my heart and mind the last couple of weeks. I began to think about the different kinds of steps that Christ guides us to take in our journeys of spiritual formation. Some steps moving forward are small and some are moving by “leaps and bounds”. There are slow steps and even some steps in the process that may feel as though we are moving backwards. Recently, I’ve been released from physical therapy for my right foot and leg. The therapy I’ve received is helping to put my body into alignment to help me learn to walk in a way that is healthier for me. In light of this, I’ve been very aware that the process of Christian Spiritual Formation is Christ working in us to bring us back to the alignment of our true selves created by God.Taking a step forward into the new “way of being” that Christ transforms can be uncomfortable at times as we let go of what we are most familiar with even though it may not be the healthiest. The greatest comfort in this journey of spiritual formation is that we are not alone. Christ is upholding us with His hand. He walks in step with us through the presence of His Holy Spirit by helping us step out of fear into courage; out of shame into embracing that we are His beloved children who receive our worth from Him; and out of a false guilt by accepting that He has covered everything for us through His death and resurrection. May the peace of Christ be with us all as we walk with Him one step at a time!


Forgiveness…a post by Tom


Every Body Matters…a post by Jim