Give Thanks!…a post by Joy

As the Thanksgiving season comes closer, our thoughts turn toward the gathering of family and friends, the turkey and dressing that will be served, the “Turkey Bowl” to be played, and the music to be sung.For many years, I’ve heard the phrase, “Give Thanks” when referring to a prayer over a meal. The “thank you” is what we mostly focus on which is important for sure. Yet, what about the “giving” part of the phrase. One of the most difficult things to do in life is to give thanks in ALL things. It’s easy to give thanks when all is well. Yet, when the struggles of life come, Christ encourages us to expand our Thanks-giving season from one week-end in November to the season of “in all things give thanks.” (Eph. 5:20)True giving of thanks to someone for something that has been received, can be an act of humility, love, and praise. Psalm 50:14, 23 states: “I don’t need the bulls you sacrifice....What I want instead is your TRUE thanks to God.”  “But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.” Psalm 100: 4-5Enter His gates with thanksgiving;Go into His courts with praise.Give thanks to Him and bless His name.For the Lord is good.His unfailing love continues forever,and His faithfulness continues to each generation.


A Thanksgiving Invitation…by Tom and Oriah Mountain Dreamer


Silence and Imagination…a post by Rich