Once, even Twice or Three Times, is NEVER Enough!…a post by Jim

My grandson spent the last few days with us. I always learn in his presence. This time what struck me is that his 23 month brain demands that he repeat and re-repeat whatever is on his mind. And re-re-repeat!So when he thinks of the dog he will say 'dog' again and again. When he remembers throwing bread to the ducks three days ago he says 'throw' again and again. When he wants his dad or mom you can be sure he will make that known.Some years ago Eugene Peterson wrote, "A Long Obedience in the Same Direction." He reminded his readers that a virtuous character requires repetition of virtuous thoughts and actions. Again and again. So that when a person lives an honest life, with enough repetition of honest thinking and doing he or she will eventually can be described as an honest person. Habitual righteousness results in virtuous character.God wired our brains for repetition. My grandson is doing exactly what God designed him to do. Repeat, repeat, repeat. My prayer for him is that he will practice a long obedience in the RIGHT direction so that someday he will be known as a virtuous man. I pray the same for myself. I pray the same for you.What will you think and do today that will habitualize virture? 


God Loves Us Even When We Are Messy!…a post by Joy


Empathy vs Sympathy…a video post by Tom