Along the way in our journey, God in his grace, provides avariety of gifts. One of the most valued gifts God gives is thatof the presence of a grace filled person. CrossPoint Ministrybegan its ministry in 1996 following my 25 years of pastoralministry. As our ministry grew, we were in need of anadministrator to help us with the myriad of details that a busyand growing ministry must navigate. God in his grace,provided Marilyn Moore, who for more than a decade hasserved CrossPoint as our Executive Administrator. Recently,Marilyn announced that she will be retiring from CrossPointMinistry effective July 31.

It is almost impossible to describe the significance Marilyn’sleadership has played in the growth and effectiveness ofCrossPoint’s ministry. Marilyn’s thoroughness and attention todetail across the spectrum of CrossPoint’s non-for-profitadministrative obligations and responsibilities, ensured anorganization of competence and integrity at the highest level.All of us at CrossPoint are indebted to Marilyn for herdiligence and hard work.

Marilyn in particular, is the single individual who socompetently managed all our travel as we ministered invarious parts of the country. The scheduling of airline tickets,hotels, car rentals etc. all done amidst shifting schedules andvaried places that would at times seem like managing amoving jigsaw puzzle. She was responsible as well for muchof the coordination of schedules with various churches andorganizations that we served. Marilyn also managed the fullspectrum of CrossPoint’s financial accounting responsibilitieswhich she did to the penny! She managed as well with our

CPA all tax filings and legal documentation with the stategovernment along with compliance with federal IRSregulations. Marilyn, true to who she is did all of this andmuch more with patience, persistence and grace. Thank youMarilyn for your steadfast attention to details to numerous tomention.

The great joy and privilege for me in working closely withMarilyn was truly the gift of her presence. Marilyn’s presencewas; always directed to the specific issue at hand, calm, “acan do” attitude, and a persistent awareness that we atCrossPoint were on mission for Christ. Marilyn through herpresence was a continual reminder of what we were about atCrossPoint. Marilyn was without doubt CrossPoint Ministriesmost persistent prayer warrior! She prayed for those of uswho were leading retreats, coaching, counseling, for ourtravel, for our families and for those we were serving in ourministry endeavors. Marilyn bathed the work of CrossPoint inprayer, and for that there are no words to describe thesignificance and impact of her work and presence. If you haveexperienced and are experiencing some measure of insight,growth and or healing through the ministry of CrossPointthank God for Marilyn Moore because she has been prayingfor you. We are all indebted to Marilyn for her life of prayerand communion with our Lord.

A word of thank you is in order as well to Marilyn’s husband,Merrill. Merrill over the years endured many untimely phonecalls and interruptions to their family schedule for the sake ofthe ministry. We are grateful to you Merrill for your life of faithin Christ, your heart felt support of CrossPoint and yourgenerosity in sharing so much of Marilyn with us. Thank youMerrill!

Marilyn, you as a child of God and in light of the fabric of yourpersonal story are one of most delightful and refreshingpersons I have know in all my years of ministry that began in1971. Thank you for being you. All of us at CrossPoint havebeen the beneficiaries of your love and faithfulness to theLord. Sallie and I, along with our entire team at CrossPoint,wish you God’s richest blessings as you bid farewell to youradministrative labors at CrossPoint. Your presence hasenriched us all. As you leave your responsibilities atCrossPoint may you do so clearly hearing God’s voice saying,“Well done my good and faithful servant!” May the yearsahead for you be a season of good health, peace, and greatjoy! Thank you and we love you!


The Discouraging Yet Encouraging News on Change... a post by Jim


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