Gratitude Series: Good, True, and Beautiful
by Clifton Roth
A couple of months ago my friend Owen generously gave me a new personal planner (thanks Owen!). It’s not just any personal planner, it’s an EVO planner (I’m an Explorer – find your brain type here). My new planner has many wonderful features, but one of my favorite features is that each day the “flow” begins with gratitude. EVO’s amazing research on productivity and brain types concluded that all humans (no matter brain type) are happier and more productive when they practice the daily discipline of expressing gratitude...not a surprise for most of you, I’m sure.Having the daily prompt (at least on the days when I follow through) has been incredibly helpful. However, I quickly realized that I was sort of breezing through the exercise and that it was easy for me to settle for writing down the similar things each day without much thought. To discipline myself to slow down I decided create categories and quickly decided upon the historic properties of transcendence: Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. For me, this simple shift has been transformative. I invite you to incorporate this practice in your daily pursuit of an attitude of gratitude.Happy Thanksgiving!