Advent Series: Mary's Pondering

by Sallie Plass

I love the song, ‘Mary Did You know’ and the beautiful message it brings. Rich and I have six children, three sons-in-law, soon to be daughter-in-law-and eight grandchildren.  There was great excitement in the coming of these family members and the hope and anticipation we had for each of them.  I like to imagine that our parents had the same feelings for us.The song leads me to imagine how Mary felt as she waited and hoped with anticipation for the birth of her baby that would be Immanuel.  Immanuel meaning God with us.  The song reflects the Prophets’ words from the Old Testament that told of Jesus walking on water, saving our sons and daughters, delivering us, giving sight to a blind man, calming the storm, walking where angels stood, bringing the dead alive, healing the lame and deaf and ruling the nation.  As we wait for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, can you imagine what it was like for Mary to wait for her miracle birth?   Advent is the Latin term for ‘coming’.  What was Mary’s Advent like?  Imagine her faith in the hope for her baby and the world.In Luke 2 the scripture tells us that ‘Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart’. As you celebrate this Advent season, ponder in your heart all these things that have been promised to us, as we believe in Jesus as the son of God who came to deliver us during this Christmas season.To ponder means that you must find the SLOW in advent that Ann Voskamp speaks of.  S = stay in the story; L = lower expectations; O = be others centered; W = seek the wonder.  As I imagine and ponder how Mary felt, Voskamp’s SLOW comes to mind.  As you hear the song ‘Mary Did You Know’, and go into all your preparations, take time to ponder the wonders of this Advent season.


Advent Series: Grace and The Gift


Gratitude Series: In Everything Give Thanks