Loose Ends of Life

By Joy Cofield

What if the “loose-ends” of life were “all there is to life?” We can think of them as uncompleted tasks or creative projects that are still in the process of being created. Our attitudes toward all of these “loose-ends” can inspire us or overwhelm us in the moment.

One day while I was thinking about and experiencing the constant presence of these transitional spaces, 3 questions came to my mind.  What is their value? What do they teach us? How do they call us to be present to Christ, to ourselves, and to others?

             The reality of the value is that the “loose-ends” in our external worlds are reminding us that we all are truly on a journey in our internal soulful worlds of Christian Spiritual Formation.  Honestly, as much as I am thankful to have the opportunity to write this blog, it has been one of the most difficult ones I’ve ever written. So many times, I’ve said to myself:

This blog is ONE BIG “LOOSE-END.” There is so much that can be said about it!  Over the last 6 weeks, as I’ve been wrestling with how to say something that would be helpful, the value of this “loose-end” has been that the Holy Spirit has been teaching me once again that I can TRUST HIM in everything whether great or small. (Prov. 4:5-6)  He has also been reminding me that the only reason we as human beings can love Him, ourselves or others is because HE LOVED US FIRST. (I John 4:19)

            “Loose-ends” or transitions in unfinished tasks or in relationships can cause us to feel overwhelmed, scattered, impatient, angry, ambivalent, and yet sometimes happiness, peace, joy, delight are the emotions experienced in those places of transformation. It’s comforting that Christ loves us by being with us through all of this.

              The final note I want to share of how Christ has been working in me through this theme is this.  Yes, we are always going to have “loose-ends” or transitions that God is using in our lives to transform us into His likeness, step by step, one “loose-end” at a time, one transition at a time.  Yet, He does not ask us to fix everything or figure out all the “loose-ends” in our souls.  The invitation is to just: BE WITH CHRIST. He is the One who “ties up the loose ends.”  As believers, we are “tied” to Him through the presence of the Holy Spirit.



Click on the link below to listen to the song: He Will Hold Me Fast by Keith & Kristyn Getty


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