Seeking and Finding peace

By Joy Cofield

Years ago, I met a woman who named her daughter, Peace.  I remember thinking to myself how calm this must have made her feel every time her mother spoke her name whether in good or bad times.

Last week, I was face down on the chiropractor’s table waiting my turn to be adjusted. The chiropractor was adjusting a baby’s spine with an activator.  The baby could not have been more than 2 months old. I had witnessed this another time in which case, the tiny baby fell asleep on her mother’s belly while being adjusted with the activator. However, in this instance, the baby was screaming at the top of his lungs. I felt for him and knew she was not hurting him. He was being helped in ways he didn’t know about.  As soon as the chiropractor picked him up, the baby immediately stopped screaming and had a gentle whimper. Then when his mother took him, he was basically quiet.

Two days ago, a store clerk was helping me find a pair of jeans for someone. She apologized 2-3 times for her broken English.  I nodded my head and told her I understood her explanations and directions. I asked her where she came from. She said, “Ukraine.”  My response to her was 2-fold. First, I welcomed her here. Then with my hands folded as “praying hands,” I explained we have prayed many times for the people in your country. Then I gave her a slight hug to her side before I left. She said “Thank you” 2-3 times.

I have started this blog at least 4 times over the last 7 days. There is so much to say about peace yet how can it all be contained in one short blog? All of these events that have come across my path are examples of people wanting peace. Other people look for peace through alcohol, drugs, shopping, busyness, and many other things that we all can name. During this Christmas season, it’s so effortless to be so caught up in the “joy and madness” of “Christmas-ing” that we become stuck in the circle of “un-peace”.   We completely forget who Christmas is about, myself included, until the Holy Spirit gently or loudly nudges us in ways to remind us.

A breath prayer for me has been: “Christ is the Prince of Peace and All will be well.”   

I hope this song “All is Well” by Michael W. Smith will be a blessing to you as it has been to my heart during this Advent week of peace and the complete season of Christmas.


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