The Enneagram

CrossPoint’s Statement on the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a helpful personality profile tool whose origins are ancient, varied, disputed and incredibly complex. While there is wisdom in exercising discretion and care around any resource, it's also important to avoid cultural reactivity as well as fear-based disputes and arguments.  A true and accurate understanding into the origins of the Enneagram requires significant research across a broad arena of sources, as well as a willingness to accept some nuance and mystery. The modern Enneagram, in both Christian and secular use, in many ways, bears little resemblance to the earliest iterations of the Enneagram and many of its subsequent versions.

Crosspoint utilizes the modern Enneagram towards Christian transformation, through the lenses of Biblical categories and theological integrity. We are grateful for the gift of common grace which enables Christians to receive God's good and varied gifts with confidence and peace, even when they are not exclusively Christian in nature. We believe that the Enneagram is a safe, effective and beneficial tool that can help us see ourselves more clearly, deepen our communion with Christ and strengthen our relationships with others.

We are pleased to offer our newly designed Enneagram platform built for individuals and organizations.

Enneagram Coaching Dashboard

Are you an organization or business looking to provide tests to clients, staff, or employees? Click below to learn more about our Coaching Dashboard.

Our unique, relational approach to the Enneagram will help you gain the clarity needed for growth in personal maturity, relational intimacy and spiritual integrity.

New to the Enneagram? Learn More

Enneagram Workbook

This workbook will guide you step-by-step through understanding your primary style, which triad you are in, which wing seems to influence you most, and your stress and security arrows.

Individual Enneagram Consulation/Coaching

Meet one on one with one of our enneagram coaches. We’ll walk through your profile and offer encouragement as well as feedback with steps to move forward in health. Meet ongoing or as desired.

Take the Enneagram Profile

To that end, CrossPoint is pleased to offer our newly designed enneagram platform. The enneagram is a tool designed to expose what needs to be left behind so that we can live more fully into who we are in Christ. This diagnostic profile identifies nine personality styles.


5-Part Enneagram Video Training Series

Join CrossPoint Executive Director Clif Roth and Founder Rich Plass as they lead an exclusive training series on the Enneagram. Clif and Rich have each spent years teaching and using the Enneagram in practice as a tool for self-clarity, equipping Christians to relate to God and others more authentically by understanding their true selves.

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 No one has helped me in my journey as a man, husband, father or leader more than Jim. He is the easiest man to talk to and is the best listener I’ve ever met.

Lead Pastor of Freedom Church / Read More