WEPSS Enneagram Coaching Dashboard Updates

We are continually updating the CrossPoint WEPSS Enneagram Coaching Dashboard. Check back here for more updates!

Sub Dashboards

Updated January 27, 2023

New for 2023 - Coaching Dashboard subscribers can now utilize multiple sub-dashboard accounts. Keep your main coaching account and its Enneagram profiles separated from other accounts. This is a great option for coaches who are doing workshops or seminars outside of 1 on 1 coaching. Watch the update video to see how it work!

Ready to ad a new sub account?

*requests are usually fulfilled same day. You will receive an email invite to your new dashboard when it’s ready.

Reset Test

Updated November 21, 2023

New for 2023 - Now you can reset a test that you have sent to a client, allowing you to resend it to someone else. This feature is useful if a client drops out or if you never hear back from them. However, please note that resetting a test will permanently delete all associated data. Make sure to communicate with the client before resetting the test.