Leadership Training
Vital training for pastors and pastoral teams to thrive in life and MINISTRY.
CrossPoint Leadership Communities are focused on the spiritual vitality, relational health, team dynamics, and ministry resilience of Christian leaders.
We have a variety of ongoing cohorts and workshops focused on the felt needs of the ministry leaders that we serve.
Soul Care Institute
The Soul Care Institute provides Christian lay leaders, pastors, counselors, and spiritual directors the opportunity to explore and develop more fully the basic categories for providing soul care that is Christ-centered, biblically-based, relationally-focused, psychologically sensitive, and historically informed.
Leader’s Journey
Our Leader’s Journey is a quarterly retreat series that is designed to strengthen the souls of a leadership/staff team. We focus on spiritual vitality, relational health, team dynamics, and ministry resilience. We also offer stand-alone leadership development events.
Leader Cohorts
Join other pastors and the CrossPoint team for a six-session (12-hour) cohort exploring and discussing the relational, mental, emotional, and physical challenges that you are facing in pastoral ministry.

Sexual Health Intensive
This will be a dynamic and timely intensive designed to help Christian leaders face the sexual crisis of our culture. We will be addressing pornography use, sexual addiction, infidelity, and betrayal; helping you build a Biblical, theological, psychological, and relational framework for leading yourself and others in sexual integrity and health.
Leadership Development Workshops
We offer 1-2 Day workshops focused on various aspects of Ministry Leadership, such as Relational Competencies, Resilience, Loneliness, and Spiritual Embodiment.