The Divine Encounter

We sustain ourselves in an encounter. It is so because we are created in the image of the Triune God. Father, Son, and Spirit ARE perfect relationship, glorious and holy love. Each cannot BE without the Other. In the likeness of the Truth of divine intimacy each human being is 'fired' into life. We find ourselves and maintain ourselves in communion. We must encounter.The love of the Trinity is absolute (unconditional) and thus utterly free. Divine love does not measure the love of another in terms of how much the other's love benefits the One doing the loving. God is love and thus is totally free to love.Such love is impossible for us without grace. The crucifixion of Christ exposes the abyss of our selfishness and sinfulness. All have fallen short of the glory of beings created in God's image. We are not free to love as God loves. And so God became one of us to show us love, to redeem us so that we can love, to enjoy us in love.The plausibility of God's love becomes apparent most clearly in Jesus. He demonstrates the Father and Spirit and the Son as Lovers. The majesty of their love meets us in our brokenness and draws us into inconceivable intimacy. With God and others.The more we are captured by the beauty of Jesus, the more we are captured and transformed by love. We fulfill the prayer of Jesus in John 17:26--"I have revealed you to them and will keep on revealing you. I will do this so that your love for me may be in them and I in them." Indeed, we have a holy calling!


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