Time to Kick out and Knock Over

At least 1,248!! That's the number of chapters Matthew would be if he had given the same amount of coverage to the entire life of Jesus as he gave to the last week of Jesus. As it stands, 20 chapters (682 verses) record the first 33 years of Jesus life and 8 chapters (389 verses) capture the Passion Week. Over a third of Matthew (like Mark and Luke) focuses on what happened from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Why? They want us to pay VERY close attention because what happened is of VITAL importance. And what is the first thing Jesus did that is so important?The first thing Jesus did after riding into town on a donkey was to cleanse the temple (Matthew 21:12-13). While this is a historical event it seems to also serve as a template for our souls. The Scripture makes it clear that before we can appreciate and appropriate the miracle of Easter there is some serious preparatory work we must do. New wine cannot be put in old wineskins (Matthew 9:17). We need major recalibration if we are to experience the wonder of the resurrection.Jesus is pressing us for something deeper because, like the religious leaders of his day, our spirituality always moves to the perfunctory, toward the functional, toward what is comfortable (and even profitable) for us. Without a radical cleansing, without dying to self daily, without being willing to own my life, confess and repent the 'temple' of our bodies will miss the fullness of life Jesus brings.Going deeper requires a willingness to "knock over the tables" and "kick out the merchants" of my soul that distract me from the heart of the Gospel. To what depth am I willing to go with God?


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