When Does Good Theology Hurt?

Do you have friends like Job? Show up when you're hurting. Well-meaning. Full of theological advice. If so, count yourself blessed. But be careful. When you really need it you may find friends like these hurt more than they help. Why is that?Before giving them a bad rap let's think about the good things they did. They showed up when Job was hurting. I've (Jim) had difficult situations where my 'friends' didn't show up. So let's at least show some appreciation for their presence. They were also well-meaning. They came to comfort and help. So that's one more plus for the three amigos. And when it comes to theology it is amazing how much of what they said seems to be right on the money. God does draw close to the righteous, etc. etc.But their good theology hurt more than it helped. Why? We know from the temptation accounts that the devil knows Scripture and used it. But Jesus felt free to 'disobey' those Scriptures. So good pastoral theology requires more than knowing facts and making sure others know them as well. I think the 'more than' is found in the motive.What struck me about Job's friends is that they were terrified of a random world. A world where bad things happen to good people willy/nilly is truly scary. There is NO way to control much of anything. So the friends used theology to keep their deepest fear at bay. "Surely if we behave things will go better for us because God will be more pleased with us" is an impulse we all have. Much of what they said was true. But because of their anxiety they misapplied Scripture. In other words, truth must be spoken 'in love' (Ephesians 4:15). And perfect love 'expels all fear' (1 John 4:18).My take away is this--whenever I am living with exaggerated fear I am vulnerable to hurting rather than helping with my theology. My exaggerated fear (or shame and guilt) can lead me to misapply the truth in that the truth is really a smokescreen to hide my stuff.What do you take away from their interaction with Job?


Time to Kick out and Knock Over


Love Changes Me