Imagination and Memories (Part 2)

​Our memory and imagination are intimately related. Memories that shape our souls are not abstract, they are concrete images.  Memories are mental images that re-present to our minds what has occurred in the past. If I (Rich) ask you to tell me about your favorite childhood vacation, or your worst childhood day in school you are not going to give me an abstract explanation. You will tell me a story, and you are telling me a story from the retrieved mental images in your brain that re-present in image form what you lived. We don’t experience life forming memories as abstract data or just factoids, but as concrete, vivid, re-presentations of images from our past. The more concrete and vivid these images are the more powerful and unforgettable the memory.How concrete and vivid is your imagination in your faith journey with God. Can you relieve some memories of critical or beautiful times with the Lord? What images come to mind? Why are they significant for you?


Imagination - Memories and Feelings (Part 3)


Everyday Imagination (Part 1)