Imagination - Memories and Feelings (Part 3)

In addition to memories, there is another element that is an essential building block in the world of our imagination. The brain is designed to re-present reality through images and every image that we remember has feelings associated with it. We cannot stop that from happening. We are designed to re-present reality through images. And the image is influenced or shaded by feelings.The reason the images of your best vacation are labeled in your brain your as "best vacation" is because those images are shaded and informed by feelings that feel good. Your worst day in school consists of images shaded and influenced by feelings that feel bad. So when we retrieve a memory we retrieve an emotional experience associated with the memory. Now if the emotional memory associated with a particular image is very powerful, or if a series of memories are informed by a very powerful emotion then the image and its emotion will have a deep, lasting affect on how we understand and perceive our world and ourselves (self-understanding).In summary, the mind creates images. I recall images by means of memory. Every image has an emotion affixed to it. The more dramatic or pervasive the feeling of the feeling is (either good or bad), the greater it will shape my understanding and perception of me and others.In what way is your emotional world involved in your journey of faith?


Imagination - Memory, Feeling and Interpretation (Part 4)


Imagination and Memories (Part 2)