Deeper Journey - Pay Monthly - Double Registration
By clicking “Register & Add to Cart” below you are electing to set up monthly payments for the Deeper Journey retreat. Your first payment will be today at checkout and subsequent payments will occur on the say day each month for the full duration of 24 months. After completing the registration form you will then to need checkout using the cart link in the menu above.
* If you would like to pay in full, please go back a page and click one of the pay in full option buttons.
If you have questions or need help with registration, email [email protected].
By clicking “Register & Add to Cart” below you are electing to set up monthly payments for the Deeper Journey retreat. Your first payment will be today at checkout and subsequent payments will occur on the say day each month for the full duration of 24 months. After completing the registration form you will then to need checkout using the cart link in the menu above.
* If you would like to pay in full, please go back a page and click one of the pay in full option buttons.
If you have questions or need help with registration, email [email protected].
By clicking “Register & Add to Cart” below you are electing to set up monthly payments for the Deeper Journey retreat. Your first payment will be today at checkout and subsequent payments will occur on the say day each month for the full duration of 24 months. After completing the registration form you will then to need checkout using the cart link in the menu above.
* If you would like to pay in full, please go back a page and click one of the pay in full option buttons.
If you have questions or need help with registration, email [email protected].